Ahenfo Radio Denmark

Norway appoints its own ambassador for global health


From 1 December, John-Arne Røttingen will lead the work for a fair distribution of a possible coronary vaccine. – This appointment is the most important thing we do this year, says Minister of Development Dag Inge Ulstein (KrF).

The work will be about following up the overall Norwegian health effort globally. My role will be to coordinate this work and ensure that we are well equipped to bring about international cooperation, says Røttingen to NRK.

John-Arne Røttingen is a doctor and epidemiologist from Bø in Telemark. He comes from the position as CEO of the Research Council of Norway.

He has also previously worked extensively with epidemics, and was central in the work to combat the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. There he led a study in which a new Ebola vaccine was tested in Guinea.

Long experience

Most recently, he has been featured in the news picture in connection with leading the global steering group for a worldwide study of treatment methods and vaccines against covid-19.

– Part of the work will be to help the world develop, produce and distribute a vaccine against covid-19 so that everyone has access. The position is linked to the international work and Norway’s desire to contribute positively to this, says Røttingen.

When he starts in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as Norway’s global health ambassador, Røttingen will, among other things, follow up the global health efforts and Norwegian participation in the international work to combat covid-19.

In this work, he will work closely with both the Minister for Development Aid and the Minister for Foreign Affairs.

– Røttingen’s many years of commitment, knowledge and position in the international environment will be very valuable in the demanding global challenges we face, says Minister of Development Dag Inge Ulstein to NRK.


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