Ahenfo Radio Denmark
European Aviation Safety Agency

How To Travel Safely Through The Airport By The European Aviation Safety Agency

European Aviation Safety Agency

As you travel through the airport, be aware of new guidelines as a passenger. The new guidelines issued by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) are therefore applicable to all European airports. You will therefore find that there are other rules that apply at the airport than in Danish society. Read here where we guide you so you can get ready for your next trip.

Before arriving at the airport

  • Stay home if you feel sick.
  • Check-in online from home as far as possible.
  • Arrive at the airport well in advance as extra waiting times may occur.
  • Bring sufficient number of mouthwash for the entire journey. It is recommended to change mouthwash every 3-4 years. hour.

Protective equipment at the airport 

  • Surgical bandages must be worn in the terminals both on departure and arrival as well as on board the aircraft.
  • Surgical bandage wear is valid from June 15, 2020.
  • It is your own responsibility to bring a surgical bandage.
  • Extra surgical bandages can be purchased at the 7-Eleven airport before the security check between Terminal 2 and 3.
  • Children under the age of 6 and people with a valid medical explanation do not have to wear a mouthwash.
  • For security reasons and passport checks, you may be asked to remove your mouthpiece for safety reasons.
  • The guidelines apply until August 29, 2020.

Parking, sales and pickup

  • It is still possible to arrive at the airport by car – safe and secure.
  • We also offer a free refund guarantee for the rest of 2020 for online bookings *. Ie you can still book safely from home. Upon arrival at the car park it is therefore also possible to use our contactless CPH Airport App and scan your QR code at the entrance.
  • Farewell and / or welcome of departing / arriving passengers must be done outdoors and not at the airport terminals. We therefore refer to, for example, the P-houses or the airport square and remind everyone to follow the authorities’ guidelines, among other things, to keep a good distance. However, passengers with a valid ticket, escorts for eg PRM and children flying alone, as well as drivers who are ordered to pick up arriving passengers still have access to the airport terminals

* Also applies when booking for a trip in 2021.

At the airport

  • Keep a distance of 1 meter and pay attention to other passengers with passengers.
  • We recommend that you follow the National Board of Health’s general guidelines on good hygiene.
  • Copenhagen Airport has set up signage and signage.
  • Copenhagen Airport has set up stations with handgun both before and after the security check, and around the airport for all passengers and employees.
  • Copenhagen Airport has divided the terminals into flow routes to minimize the spread of infection. Follow the directions and direction at the airport.
  • Inform airport staff or airport crew if you feel ill along the way.
  • See a list here of open  eateries, shops and kiosks.

In the security check

  • Prepare fluid bag before arrival for security check. You must carry a maximum of 1 bag and a maximum of 1 liter in 100 ml. containers.
  • Hand spirit over 100 ml. is allowed. Note! However, on a par with the  rules for liquid medicine , the amount must not exceed what the security personnel consider to be their own needs during the specific journey.
  • There may be restrictions on the number of permissible pieces of luggage. Check specific  baggage rules at your airline.


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