Ahenfo Radio Denmark
Closes Corona Ward

Hospital Closes Corona Ward – No New Patients For Weeks

Closes Corona Ward

The fight against the coronavirus in North Jutland reached a new milestone on Friday

From the outside, much may not immediately appear to have changed at Aalborg University Hospital. Caravans and white corona test tents still fill the parking lot. But inside, the activity of the specially created covid-19 intensive care unit is muted.

– Fortunately, in recent weeks we have not had new patients in need of intensive treatment. And as we were releasing more and more patients, there were eventually only a few left, says Henrik Nielsen, senior consultant in the infectious medicine department at Aalborg University Hospital.

Therefore, it no longer made sense to keep the specially created intensive care unit that would take care of corona patients. It was set up in early March, but closed and turned off – at least so far – Friday.

Throughout North Jutland, only eight people continue to be admitted as a result of coronavirus, and the few hospitalized patients who remained at the corona ward in Aalborg have been moved to other wards.

– These are all patients who have been here for a long time and were very ill when they arrived. But now they are in the aftermath, where they still need to be treated in a hospital to recover enough for them to be discharged, explains Henrik Nielsen.

Coronavirus on retreat

On the whole, the coronavirus is on retreat in Denmark. Nationally, just 140 people, according to the latest figures from the Norwegian Serum Institute, are currently hospitalized with coronavirus. At the same time, several other regions have also cut down on their corona readiness. In the Central Jutland region, the hospitals in Holstebro and Herning have just halved their readiness in this area.

In Northern Jutland, however, it is not only a large decline in the number of coronavirus admissions that has caused the optimism to sprout. There is also a long way to go between positive results of coronate tests.

– When we test up to a thousand North Jews a day, we find only a handful. Some days we only find one or two (infected persons, ed.) Compared to half a million inhabitants in the region, there are quite a few, Henrik Nielsen explains.

A total of 58 patients have been admitted to the covid-19 intensive care unit at Aalborg University Hospital.

Source: nyheder.tv2.dk

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