Ahenfo Radio Denmark
Corona Virus

Confirmed Cases In Sweden – Daily Update

Corona Virus

Covid-19 – statistics with charts and maps

a small image showing examples of the statisticsStatistics are best displayed on computer, in newer, updated, web browsers.

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The site is updated weekdays with daily number of cases at. 14:00 and updated with weekly data with the previous week’s data on Thursdays at. At 14:00.

Download the data

Data on which the statistics above are based can be downloaded here (Excel)

Information about data sources

Daily data is compiled weekdays with notifications received until 11.30 the same day and the figures are made available at 14.00. The current and previous day’s number is incomplete and will be complete only the following day.

Weekly data is compiled weekly up to and including the previous Sunday and made available on Thursdays at 14.00.

The number of cases reported in the statistics is based on laboratory-confirmed cases reported in accordance with the Infection Protection Act and reported according to the reporting date, including positive samples taken during sentinel sampling. Data on the number of intensive care providers is obtained from the Swedish Intensive Care Register’s special reporting module SIRI and is reported according to the day when intensive care was started. Only cases that are laboratory confirmed are included in the Public Health Authority’s reporting of intensive care providers, therefore the number may differ slightly from the statistics of the Swedish Intensive Care Register. Some delay in reporting and supplementing data on new cases and deceased cases occurs, so the number of recent days (especially during holidays) should be interpreted with caution.

Laboratory-confirmed cases are an indicator for monitoring developments. The number of reported cases is constantly changing as people seek care and are examined for the virus. Over time, there have been changes in the sampling for covid-19. Initially (from week 4), people living in areas with known spread of covid-19 were sampled. On March 13 (week 11), sampling was changed as the situation changed in parts of Sweden. In order to protect the most vulnerable groups in society from infection, its sampling is then prioritized by people in need of hospital care as well as staff in care and elderly care with suspected covid-19. Some regions have continued to infect contacts and have therefore sampled a wider group. In mid-April, the Public Health Authority presented onenational strategy to increase sampling for covid-19 (news April 17, 2020) . An updated strategy The updated strategy was published on May 5 . On June 5, the Government instructed the Public Health Authority and the county administrative boards to ensure flows of large-scale testing. Capacity is increased successively and affects the number of cases confirmed, and the proportion of reported cases that are not in need of hospital care will increase.

The statistics of deceased persons are based on data reported so far to the Public Health Agency, differences with the regional reporting. The statistics show the number of people with confirmed covid-19 who have died, regardless of the cause of death. The time series with the number of deceased per day contains only those cases where the date of the death is known, therefore the total number of deceased can differ from the number reported in the time series. The National Board of Health and Welfare follows the number of deceased with the stated cause of death covid-19. Read more about different data sources for the deceased in covid-19 in the National Board of Social Affairs fact sheet .

The municipality affiliation for the cases is based on data from the population records with the information that was available at the beginning of May 2020, which means that there may be differences between the regional reporting and the data presented here.

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