Ahenfo Radio Denmark

Another 179 are infected with coronavirus in Denmark


179 people have been registered infected with coronavirus since yesterday, the latest figures from the Statens Serum Institut show.

No new deaths have been recorded .

The number of inpatients has increased by two in the last 24 hours , so that there are now 17 inpatients with coronavirus. Three of them are admitted to the intensive care unit. That is one less than yesterday.

Young people in Odense sent home

31 of the new cases have been registered in Odense Municipality, where the infection has spread among 20-29-year-olds in recent days, so the municipality has more than 20 infected per 100,000 inhabitants during the past week.

Odense Municipality is therefore also on the authorities’ observation list.

The infection has, among other things, originated at the educational institution UCL, which trains teachers, educators and nurses. Here, more than 1,000 teacher students have been sent home after 36 were found infected.

For the next 14 days, the student teachers at UCL Business Academy and the Professional College in Odense will be taught online.

Also a planned study start festival ‘Generator’ has had to be canceled due to corona infection among the young people. The festival should have started today with the participation of up to 4,000 students.


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