Ahenfo Radio Denmark
Mette Frederiksen

Prime Minister: There are simply too many infected people with non-Western backgrounds

Mette Frederiksen

Mette Frederiksen will have a special focus on infection control in ethnic environments.

When we soberly look at the number of infections, there are simply too many people with non-Western backgrounds who are infected.

This is how it sounded today from Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen (S) at a press conference about the corona situation in Denmark.

Here, the Prime Minister took the statistics seriously, showing that people with an ethnic minority background fill more of the corona statistics than ethnic Danes.

– I can see that in some places in the public debate it is questioned whether it is at all a reasonable discussion to have, whether it is reasonable to cling to that fact. My clear answer to that is that yes, it is, she said.

Mette Frederiksen also had a clear message to the ethnic groups that they also have a responsibility to follow the rules and guidelines set by the authorities .

– Everyone will have to take responsibility for listening to what the authorities in Denmark say. The information is there and has been available for months. No one in Denmark can be in doubt about how to behave in relation to covid-19.

Infection among Somalis and Lebanese

Since the spring, there have been several surveys which have shown increased infection among citizens of other ethnic origin than Danish.

Most recently, the corona outbreak in Aarhus has been linked directly to the Somali and Lebanese communities in and around Aarhus and Silkeborg, and it is especially since then that the debate about covid-19 infection in ethnic minority communities has grown.

The mayor of Aarhus, Jacob Bundsgaard (S), has been criticized for focusing on ethnicity by announcing that the infection has mainly occurred among Somalis in the city .

According to Professor Morten Sodemann, who is a specialist in infectious diseases and head of the Immigrant Medicine Clinic at Odense University Hospital, appointing a specific population group can have a number of negative consequences.

Morten Sodemann explained to DR the other day that it is a well-known pattern during epidemics .

Most often, it is the poor and people with a short education who are to blame for the spread of the disease, he explained.


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