Ahenfo Radio Denmark
Closes Corona Ward

Zero Corona Deaths Recorded The Last Day In Denmark

Closes Corona Ward

The number of admissions has decreased, so now 73 are admitted to Danish hospitals.

The latest Day No people are registered dead while infected with coronavirus.

This is the latest statement on the website of the National Board of Health, which has just been publishedpublished.

The number of coronavirus deaths in Denmark is thus still 593 people.

The latest survey also shows that the number of coronavirus admissions has decreased by six to 73 people.

According to the update, 15 of the inpatients are in an intensive care unit and five of them are so ill that they are in a respirator.

It is also fewer than it has been in the past.

One week ago, 21 patients with coronavirus were hospitalized in intensive care units, while 11 were in respirators.

39 new cases
Since yesterday’s update, a further 9,766 have been tested for coronavirus.

In addition, 39 new cases have been confirmed.

A total of 594,790 have been tested for coronavirus since the beginning of March. And Denmark now has 12,000 confirmed cases of the virus.

Source: dr.dk

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