Ahenfo Radio Denmark

We have the warmest day of the year so far – but the second day of Pentecost is getting even hotter


There is a possibility that we will have the first summer day of the year.

The vast majority of Danes can enjoy the Pentecostal heat throughout the country – and with a temperature level that we have not experienced before.

It happened on Saturday when the temperature in Esbjerg rose to 22.8 degrees.

However, that temperature was only allowed to hold the title as the hottest day of the year for one day before the thermometer at DMI’s weather station at Frederiksberg in Copenhagen Pentecost measured 23.5 degrees.

Possibility for summer day 2nd Pentecost

However, that temperature will also only be allowed to remain as the year’s highest for one day yet.

Already on the 2nd Pentecost, the air mass over Denmark will be a bit warmer, and this will manifest in higher temperatures during the day. It is likely that the temperature in several places in Jutland and over parts of Zealand can rise to 24 degrees.

In addition, it is possible that the temperature locally can rise above 25 degrees, which can make 2nd Pentecost the first summer day of the year – on the same date the calendar summer starts.

As always at this time of year, it will be colder by coastal winds where the temperature does not reach much above 15 degrees. On the other hand, the temperature rises rapidly as you get away from the coast and inland.

Should the summer day not occur on the 2nd day of Pentecost, it is likely that it can happen either Tuesday or Wednesday, when the temperature can reach a similar level.

Summer day a little later than usual

Should the first summer day of the year occur one of the coming days, it is a little later than usual. The average date for the first summer day – measured over the past 30 years – is May 23, while the average for the 147-year period when temperature has been measured in Denmark is May 22.

Last year we got the first summer day of June 2, while in 2018 we experienced the first summer day as early as April 19, making it the earliest summer day in 54 years.

On the other hand, it is also unusual that we have had to wait so long just to see the thermometer reach 23 degrees as this year. Last, we had to wait just as long, was in 1983.


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