Ahenfo Radio Denmark
Summer Holidays

Summer Holidays: Drop The Southern Sun And Stay In Northern Europe

Summer Holidays

The summer holidays must take place in Northern Europe, says the Foreign Minister.

All travel abroad is not recommended until 31 August.

However, trips to Norway, Iceland and Germany are exempted, and thus the Danes must prepare to stay in Northern Europe over the summer.

This is stated by Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod (S) at one press conference.

– We discouragesfrom 15 June no longer travel to Iceland, Germany and Norway. But avoid big cities and settle into each countryguides.

“Everywhere else, travel until 31 August is not recommended,” he says.

This means that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will in practice change the travel guide to Germany, Norway and Iceland.

The three countries will now have a yellow marker instead of an orange one. That is, traveling to it is not advised, but that caution must still be exercised.

Come home!

The government has discouraged travel to the world since March 13.

It happened in conjunction with one press conference, where Jeppe Kofod called on the then 100,000 Danes who stayed abroad to come home.

Since then, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has worked intensively to help stranded Danes back home. South America in particular was challenging and Peru stood out.

This week, it was opened for business travelers to like to travel out of Denmark.

But the recommendation is that it should be avoided if possible.

Source: dr.dk

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