Ahenfo Radio Denmark
Islands Brygge

Storm of complaints about loud music hits the police in the corona era

Islands Brygge
                                                                        Photo: Ida Marie Odgaard © Scanpix

The “summer headache” continues over the weekend for the country’s police districts, which repeatedly get complaints about noise.

The country police can early Sunday morning again report a weekend with unusually many complaints about loud music.

It is the combination of summer mood and pubs that closes at 24.00 due to corona rules that makes the parties move out into both open spaces and into houses and apartments.

– I never think I have experienced a guard where we have received so many complaints, says guard chief Jes Frederiksen from East Jutland Police early Sunday morning.

– During the night we probably got about 25, and there are unusually many. The short explanation is that people do not have the opportunity to get out.

Also in the districts of Copenhagen, Copenhagen’s Vestegn, North Jutland, East Jutland, Central and West Zealand and Southeast Jutland, there have been an unusual number of complaints during the night about “music to the detriment”, as the police call it.

The summer trend got a few weeks ago National police to send an emergency call out on Twitter.

– We currently receive many reviews about music to the detriment, and we will so reluctantly have to ruin the good party atmosphere by visiting, the police wrote.

– Then turn down the music and up the coziness and pay attention to your neighbors. Good summer!

There is further noise

But the Danes have not listened call.

– We have more reviews of loud music than usual here in the corona era, says duty officer for the Copenhagen Police Henrik Stormer, who reports a very busy night on the noise front.

Meanwhile, the duty officer at the Central and West Zealand Police characterizes the problem as “the summer’s headache”.

And Jess Falberg, duty officer at North Jutland Police, can tell that it is a problem that has characterized the entire circle.

– We’ve had a lot of music to disadvantage last night. It has been from private parties all around and it has filled a lot. And it is noticeable throughout North Jutland, he says.

However, some of the wardens also say that the tolerance threshold in relation to the neighbors’ excesses seems to have decreased.

– We have received many complaints about music to the detriment. It seems that people just have to turn on a radio, and then there are complaints, says Lars Grønlund, duty officer at the South East Jutland Police, early Sunday morning.

Source: dr.dk

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