Ahenfo Radio Denmark

Prolonged heat wave on the way in Denmark


The next week’s time we can expect temperatures that in several places will approach 30 degrees.

Summer has so far only offered 15 summer days, and the month of July was historically cold . But now summer is making a comeback. During Thursday, a high pressure will establish itself east of Denmark. It sends the wind in the south and later the southeast, and thus we get summer heat from Central Europe.

Precisely the location of the high pressure is decisive for how hot we get it in the coming period. Meteorologist at TV 2 Vejret, Andreas Nyholm, elaborates:

– Throughout July, the wind has primarily come from the west, which is the cool direction for Denmark in the summer. Now we finally get a high pressure, which is in the right place, and it gives us weak wind conditions and lots of sun.

Temperatures around 30 degrees

Already from Friday we can locally reach 30 degrees, and it will be in that rent that the highest temperatures will come up the next many days. However, not everyone will experience temperatures rising so high.


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