Ahenfo Radio Denmark
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Only two open countries in Europe left

Information For

With the Foreign Ministry’s new travel guide on Thursday, only the two countries are open to unnecessary travel, and that is the consequence of the continuing rising infection rates in most of the European countries.

As early as Wednesday, director Erik Brøgger was able to warn the population about austerity measures, and now most of the Europe card is colored orange, because the number of infections is higher than 30 new infections per year. 100,000 inhabitants in one week.

With the new travel guide, neighboring Germany will also close, but here a special neighboring country agreement applies, which means that Schleswig Holstein just south of the Danish-German border is still available for unnecessary travel.

In addition, Latvia and Cyprus are also on the orange list, so a total of three countries are being added to destinations that cannot be recommended due to corona infection.

The neighboring country to the east will also be more difficult to visit in the future. Here, the same rule applies that it is not the whole country that goes orange at once, but that the country is divided into regions.

Such are the rules of travel during the corona crisis

On Thursday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs updated its travel guidelines, so that there are now very few countries where the Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not advise against unnecessary travel.

With the exception of Norway, Greece, Schleswig-Holstein in Germany and five Swedish regions, the ministry now advises against unnecessary travel to the rest of the world.

Get to know more about how the travel rules are here:

  • The Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ travel guides are, as the name suggests, indicative.
  • So these are recommendations, and you do not smoke in prison or get a fine if you do not follow them.
  • If you choose to travel to a country that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs advises against traveling to due to the country’s high infection rates, then the ministry recommends that you be quarantined for 14 days, or until you have been tested negative for covid-19 when you return home.
  • You should be aware that it can take a while from the time you become infected until you can be tested positive, and therefore it can be a good idea to be tested both when you return home and again a few days later.
  • Although self-isolation is just a recommendation from the authorities, several workplaces require you to present a negative test result before returning to the workplace.
  • If you are planning to travel to a country where the Ministry of Foreign Affairs advises against unnecessary travel, be aware of what lies behind the ministry’s recommendation.
  • This is because it is not necessarily a high infection rate. Finland has introduced travel restrictions for travelers from Denmark, and therefore the Ministry advises against unnecessary travel there.
  • People from countries where the Ministry of Foreign Affairs advises against unnecessary travel can only travel to Denmark if they have what the ministry calls a recognizable purpose. This could be, for example, if your girlfriend or wife lives in Denmark, or if you are going on a business trip or for a job interview.

Sources: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Statens Serum Institut.

So far, 12 of 21 Swedish regions have been orange, but with the new travel rules, four more regions will be added to the list of areas that Danes are not recommended to travel to on holiday.

There are now only five left as open regions: Gävleborg, Kalmar, Värmland, Västerbotten and Vester Norrland.

The orange countries are also characterized as quarantine countries in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the obvious reason that if you choose – despite the recommendation – to travel to a country with that color, you must be quarantined on return.

To change color from closed to open country – or from orange to yellow – it requires that the infection rate in each country comes below 20 new infected per. 100,000 inhabitants in a week.

SOURCE: jyllands-posten.dk

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