Ahenfo Radio Denmark
Travel guides

Germany and Cyprus are colored orange: Discourages all unnecessary travel

Travel guides

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs now advises against all unnecessary travel to most of Germany, Cyprus and several Swedish regions .

The only place in Germany that Danes can travel to is Schleswig-Holstein, which is covered by a special rule.

– Thus, it is now only Norway and Greece that we do not advise against travel to, says Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod.

In Sweden, Scania and three other regions are colored orange. Thus, there are only five regions that Danes can travel to: Gävleborg, Kalmar, Värmland, Västerbotten and Västernorrland.

Unnecessary travel to Latvia is also discouraged due to high infection rates. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs already had this country as orange due to the country’s quarantine rules.

Source: dr.dk

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