Ahenfo Radio Denmark

Experts expect more infected by the autumn: Danish companies ready to supply face mask

Photo: Mads Claus Rasmussen © Scanpix

According to an expert, it may make sense to introduce bandages in, for example, public transport in the autumn.

By the autumn, Denmark may well be in a situation where it makes sense to introduce official recommendations on wearing a face mask in, for example, public transport.

Professor Jens Lundgren assesses this Rigshospitalet.

Because while we have not seen much of bandages in the public space in Denmark, a large number of countries have gradually introduced requirements or recommendations to wear bandages.

And although right now there are quite a few infected with coronavirus in Denmark, it may look different when autumn comes. This is the assessment of Lars Østergaard, chief physician at Aarhus University Hospital.

– I think there will be an increased infection. Many have not had the infection yet and the virus is still here. When it gets colder in the autumn and you get closer to each other, the risk of infection increases.

– I do not think it will be as violent as we have seen it before, but there may be small outbreaks around, which we can then hopefully get fought fairly quickly, he says.

Professor and chief physician at Hvidovre Hospital Thomas Benfield also estimates that there will probably be a new wave of infection either in the autumn or early winter.

– When it gets cold and dark, we all seek in, and then we are closer to each other. Then there is a greater risk of infection. This summer we keep a more natural distance. At the same time, we know that respiratory diseases usually come back in the fall, he says.

However, he expects that we in Denmark will be well prepared to limit the infection so that it does not reach the same level as in the spring.

– And if we can use face masks and masks to limit that, then it is only good, he says.

New experiences in recent months
In Denmark, there have been no recommendations for just mouth bandages. But two weeks ago openedhealthmore up that the use of sanitary napkins may be a good idea in special cases. For example, to and from a coronatest, or if one isnext of kin or can not distance themselves from anyone in the risk group.

However, it is a requirement to wear a bandage if, for example, you are going to fly – and amusement parks such as Tivoli in Copenhagen require a bandage in the rides.

According to Lars Østergaard, more and more points in the direction that the bandages have one effect.

– The experience of recent months has shown that you can go with the disease without feeling ill, and you can be infected before you develop the disease. So if you use a bandage with the aim of not spreading the infection, then it may be a good idea, he says.


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