Ahenfo Radio Denmark

Young children and certain older people should not wear face mask in Aarhus


The requirement for a face mask in public transport in Aarhus will not apply to children and certain elderly people.

It is not required that small children and the elderly with, for example, dementia should wear face mask.

This is what the director of the National Board of Health, Søren Brostrøm, said at a press conference on Friday, after it was announced that it will be a requirement in Aarhus to wear a face mask in public transport.

– Not everyone has to wear a face mask. Young children do not have to wear a face mask, and it can also be older people who, for example, have difficulty breathing or mild dementia and therefore cannot take it off and on themselves, says Søren Brostrøm.

He does not rule out that the requirement for face mask may become nationwide .

– I can well imagine that this with a face mask in other situations is something we will look at. Look at it locally, but also nationally.

Søren Brostrøm calls it “a matter of timing”, and both he and the Minister of Health and the Elderly Magnus Heunicke (S) emphasize at the press conference that the situation is being closely monitored.

Fabric face mask can also work

The requirement for face mask in all public transport in Aarhus is a consequence of an increasing corona infection in the city.

From Thursday to Friday, 68 newly infected with coronavirus were registered in Aarhus. That was half of the new cases of infection nationwide.

The National Board of Health has just published new recommendations on bandages. It states that people in the risk group should wear the CE-marked face mask that can be bought at pharmacies, for example.

It is also recommended for people outside the risk group, but “a good cloth face mask is better than no mouth face mask “, the recommendations say.

In advance, the National Board of Health recommends that you wear a bandage in public transport throughout the country, if it is not possible to keep your distance.

Source: dr.dk

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