We failed in our responsibility when the Serbs carried out a horrific genocide in 1995, according to a Balkan expert.
The fall of the wall, international cooperation and half a century of peace sparked a wave of optimism across Europe. But in the 1990s, optimism was interrupted by nearly ten years of war fears among our neighbors to the east: the wars inYugoslavia.
Today it exists earlier Yugoslavia of the countries Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia, Serbia and Slovenia.
As each country seceded from Serbian supremacy, hundreds of thousands had to die – while four million people were displaced from their homes.
The wars in Yugoslaviawas also an ethnic conflict, where, among other things, Serbia tried to conquer and create ‘ ethnically clean’ areas.
And things were particularly bad in Bosnia, which had been under constant attack from the Serbs for three years.
The war in Bosnia culminated in the greatest war crime on European soil since World War II: the massacre of 8,000 men and boys in the Bosnian enclave of Srebrenica in July 1995.
Read here why and how the horrific event took place on a hot summer day in Bosnia.