Ahenfo Radio Denmark
Two men guilty of killing men in Ruds Vedby and Vemmelev

Two men guilty of killing men in Ruds Vedby and Vemmelev

Two men guilty of killing men in Ruds Vedby and Vemmelev

Courtroom six in the court in Næstved is completely full. The mood is under pressure and no one is talking while the audience and the defendants wait for the judge to come in and read out the verdict.

Several of the relatives have difficulty being in the hall at all. The 43-year-old man has several wounds on his forehead. He has previously told the court that he is self-harming, and in pressured situations he hits his head into the wall to calm his head.

The judge comes in and delivers the verdict. Both men are known guilty of the murders of Kiehn Georg Andersen and Poul Frank Jørgensen. 

It is a unanimous jury thing that is behind it.

The killings

The first murder happened on the evening of April 20, 2019 in Ruds Vedby, when the 68-year-old coin collector Kiehn Georg Andersen was killed. The second murder was committed on 16 June 2019, when pensioner Poul Frank Jørgensen had his carotid artery cut. Subsequently, his body was cremated.

The police got on the trail of the two men already after the first murder in Ruds Vedby. During a search of the coin collector’s plot on Kalundborgvej, the police found, among other things, two unopened condom packages in the driveway. An analysis showed that the packages contained DNA from the 35-year-old, who is a former criminal.

According to the autopsy report, the coin collector was subjected to gross violence. He died of the lesions he got in the neck region, probably due to trampling and kicking.

Subsequently, he was driven to Blæsinge Gravel Grave, where the perpetrators put stones in his clothes and stabbed him in the stomach with a sharp object. Then one of the perpetrators swam the body into the lake and let it sink to the bottom, just as the rifles they had taken from the house on Kalundborgvej were thrown into the lake. The house set the two men on fire.


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