Ahenfo Radio Denmark

Twenty Danes Have Been Tested Positive For Coronavirus


Another five people in Denmark have been tested positive for coronavirus infection since yesterday. This brings the total number of infections in Denmark to 20.

This is stated by the Danish Agency for Patient Safety.

The Danish Patient Safety Agency is in the process of identifying the infection and handling the persons who have had close contact with the infected. Close contacts for the infected come in the home quarantine, the board writes in a press release.

The National Board of Health recommends that everyone who has moved away from one of the special risk areas since March 2 stays home 14 days after returning home.

The high-risk areas cover four regions of Italy, the whole of Iran, and large parts of China and South Korea.

Employees in the health and elderly sector must stay home from work if they have been in one of the high-risk areas within the last 14 days. Also, people who have been in the risk areas should not visit hospitals, care centers and the like, where they can come in contact with particularly vulnerable and vulnerable.

The Ministry of Health and the Elderly approved on Monday that the authorities can use sections 5 to 9 of the Epidemic Act to contain infection.

The clauses allow the authorities to cancel public events and to block off areas. At the same time, the police can be taken to ensure that citizens in quarantine comply with the quarantine.

In connection with the new measures against the coronavirus that were launched on Monday, Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen (S) said that in the coming days and weeks, even more decisions and measures can be taken to contain the infection.

Source: dr.dk

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