Ahenfo Radio Denmark

The vaccines are leaving the Pfizer factory


The first vans have now been driven from the factory in Puurs, Belgium, and the coronavirus vaccines are on their way to EU countries.

According to TV 2’s information, the vaccines for the EU countries have started to leave the Pfizer / BioNTech factory, and the first ones left the factory this morning. It is unclear exactly which countries the vans drive to.

The plan is for all 27 EU countries to start vaccinating on the same day, 27 December. It wrote the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, on Twitter .

The path of the vaccine

When the vaccines arrive in Denmark, they will initially be delivered to the Statens Serum Institut on Amager, where they will be stored at minus 70 degrees in special freezers.

After this, it must be repackaged and transported to the country’s five regions, where the vaccines are distributed to vaccination centers, hospitals, care centers and mobile vaccination units.

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