Ahenfo Radio Denmark
Queen Margrethe

The Queen Of Denmark Will Speak To The Public At 7pm Tonight

Queen Margrethe

On the occasion of her birthday, the Queen will speak tonight. Queen Margrethe gives a speech to the Danes tonight at 19 on the occasion of her 80th birthday.

This is stated in the Royal House in a brief press release.

The speech will be transmitted directly from Fredensborg Castle on both DR1 and TV 2.

It is not stated what the queen will get into, but the message comes, shortly after all of Denmark has sung a birthday song for her.

Something she has already expressed her gratitude for.

Thanks for the song. It was truly an amazing experience. It goes straight to the heart, it sounded from a clearly touched queen directly on the DR’s transmission.

Coronavirus has put a damper on the festivities

The great celebration of her majesty has long been planned, but this has put an end to the coronavirus.

Instead, she has been celebrated with, among other things, birthday songs.

Her eight grandchildren have also sent her a video greeting in which they wish her happy birthday.

Source: www.dr.dk

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