Ahenfo Radio Denmark
Tom Cruise

The Norwegian Government has given Hollywood Actor Tom Cruise the green light to film in Norway.

Tom Cruise

Finally, Hollywood actor Tom Cruise received a response from the government. He gets to come to Norway to record parts of the next “Mission Impossible” film despite the corona restrictions.

The filming is planned for the end of August in Møre og Romsdal. Many have speculated that the scenic Rauma line may be relevant.

The fact that the crew of “Mission Impossible 7” is allowed to come to Norway means that they have been granted an exemption from Norwegian entry restrictions in connection with the pandemic. Norway has opened for travelers from a number of European countries, but not the United States. Infection rates are still too high.

Minister of Culture Abid Raja says that it is a big day for Norwegian film and film-loving Norwegians.

– The government allows foreign filming to take place in Norway, provided that they have received support from the Norwegian Film Institute, and that they follow the strict infection control rules that we impose on them while they are here in Norway.

This means, among other things, that they test themselves when they come to Norway. It must happen twice at 48-hour intervals, and they must then show that they are not infected with corona. They are also not allowed to have contact with the general public.

– The Mission Impossible crew will spend NOK 6 million on infection control measures while they are here, with their own health personnel and daily fever measurements, and then they will be subject to the municipal doctor’s regime while they are in Møre og Romsdal, says Raja.

Talked to Abid Raja

Earlier this summer, Tom Cruise had a telephone conversation with Minister of Culture Abid Raja about any filming in Norway. It was VG who first wrote about this telephone conversation.
– I have been waiting for your conversation, said Minister of Culture Abid Raja (V) to the world-famous actor.

In early July, Bergens Tidende reported that the Hollywood actress wanted to talk to Prime Minister Erna Solberg about being allowed to film in Western Norway.

In the telephone conversation with Abid Raja, Tom Cruise had praised Norwegian nature. And that he likes the people, the fjords and the mountains.

The Minister of Culture himself filmed parts of the telephone conversation with Tom Cruise.
Cruise has recorded scenes for his films in Norway before and says that he can not wait to return.

NOK 50 million in grants

The corona pandemic has made it difficult for the film crew to plan. The last time he recorded scenes in Norway, Tom Cruise hung down from the pulpit as Ethan Hunt in “Mission Impossible”. At the time, the stage was supposed to be from India, but now Raja believes that Norway must be credited.

The Norwegian Film Institute has offered the film company almost NOK 50 million in grants for the film “Mission Impossible 7” if it is shot in Norway. It is part of the intensive scheme that will encourage film companies to make recordings in Norway. So far, the corona epidemic has put a stop to the plans, until now.

Source: nrk.no

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