The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has continuously tightened its travel guides, and on March 17, 2020, the division of the world into red and orange areas was frozen. This meant that unnecessary travel to the world was discouraged until April 13, and that all travelers were strongly encouraged to stay home for 14 days after returning to Denmark.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is now prolonging the freezing of travel guides, and all unnecessary travel around the world is advised against until May 10, 2020. This is done, among other things, after an assessment of other countries’ handling of coronavirus / covid-19 and the many travel restrictions, that is global.
Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod said:
“When you travel out of Denmark, you also want to be able to return home easily, safely and quickly – without beaches and without getting infected. However, there is currently no guarantee, due to the global corona pandemic. That is why we are now extending our current travel guide and continue to discourage all unnecessary travel around the world. ”
“The risk of infection spreading, extensive travel restrictions and worrying health conditions makes it very uncertain and unpredictable at the moment to be travelers. Unfortunately, it is not over yet. And it’s definitely not our job to help stranded Danes back home. My and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ focus remains on helping stranded Danes back home. The Danes’ security and security are my top priority as foreign minister. ”
The Department of Foreign Affairs is extending the travel guidance as part of the government’s overall efforts against coronavirus / covid-19. This is done both to prevent Danish travelers from bringing the infection to other countries and to prevent Danish travelers from taking the infection home to Denmark.
Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod states:
“If more people bring the infection back, it can also rock our gradual opening up of Danish society. Therefore, it is necessary to continue to discourage all unnecessary journeys. And so it is also important to repeat my strong call to stay home for 14 days if you have traveled abroad. ”
Danish travelers who are still abroad and need help or advice in order to return to Denmark should contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Global Guard Center 24 hours a day (bbb@um.dk or +4533921112).
For further press: Foreign Ministry Press Guard Tel: +45 61 97 92 47 @: pressevagten@um.dk