Ahenfo Radio Denmark

The library opens again on Monday: Forget about coffee, cinnamon snails and study groups


The staff must ensure good corona customs at the country’s libraries, where only lending and delivery is possible.

As of Monday, you can go back to the country’s libraries and find exactly the book you are missing.

But not much more than that either. For it is not allowed to settle in the library to delve into the literature with, for example, its study group. You can also not take the kids to explore the exciting toys of the libraries or meet with the group for coffee and conversation.

Here it is stated that the libraries with distance tapes, space divisions and “other behavioral regulators” must make sure that the contact between staff and the users of the libraries is reduced.

The guidelines include:

“Borrowers can take short-term stays to select library materials for home loans.”

President: Classic Library is back

In other words, it is a completely different library visit that the Danes are expecting on Monday. For example, Copenhagen libraries require you to book a time online to deliver or retrieve a book.

However, the chairman of the Danish Library Association, Steen Bording Andersen, is well satisfied with the guidelines of the Ministry of Culture :

– The classic library is open. That is, you can borrow books and get guidance for literature, which, for example, has been in demand by the students, he says, adding:

– We are glad that the quarantine for the books is gone.

Steen Bording Andersen at the earliest expects the libraries to open as normal – ie with reading groups, play and coffee talk – after the summer holidays.

Library Manager: We still have to do without much

Library Manager at Horsens Library Claus Hagstrøm Hansen calls it a “basic library” which opens on Monday:

– You can look at the books, take the ones you need under your arm and then go your way again. In today’s Denmark, this is a very small part of the way we run a library.

Among the many things that library users have to do without, he points out, among other things, the social element:

– We have many users with whom we are first name and who every day ask us when they can come back. They use us not only to borrow materials, but also as a place to keep the loneliness of the door and create relationships. For example, when they buy coffee and cinnamon snails for 20 kroner. I’m sorry that we can’t welcome them, says Claus Hagstrøm Hansen.

He is also annoyed at the many users who cannot get help with, for example, printing or solving tasks via a computer. Likewise, according to Claus Hagstrøm Hansen, there are many students who at this time of year use the libraries to prepare exams and large assignments.

Accustomed to acting cops

According to the Ministry of Culture, it is up to the staff of the libraries to ensure that the guidelines are followed to the fullest, so that people do not sit down and read a book, for example.

But Claus Hagstrøm Hansen is not nervous about the prospect of his staff keeping library users on a short leash, recalling that libraries – under normal circumstances – stay open until late at night.

– We are good at telling people what to do in advance. We are used to recommending people to take their feet off the borders, turn down the alarm and so on, he says.

Although far from being a library experience, as we know it, Claus Hagstrøm Hansen nevertheless rejoices that he will soon be able to open the doors to users:

– We are looking forward to helping to give spiritual freedom to the people during this time.

Source: dr.dk

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