Lifestyle Denmark and Sweden Rescues SAS From BankruptcyadminJune 30, 2020 by adminJune 30, 20200275 The largest airline in the Nordic region is currently rescued from bankruptcy. Norden SAS’s largest airline can temporarily breathe relief after the Danish and Swedish... Read more
Lifestyle SAS Fires Almost 1600 Employees In DenmarkadminJune 29, 2020 by adminJune 29, 20200265 First, SAS expects demand for air travel to be normalized in the year 2022. As a result of the corona crisis, Scandinavian Airlines, SAS, dismisses... Read more
Lifestyle SAS To Cut Up To 5,000 Jobs Amid Coronavirus CrisisadminApril 28, 2020 by adminApril 28, 20200258 Scandinavian airline SAS on Tuesday announced plans to lay off up to 40 percent of its workforce in Sweden, Denmark and Norway. SAS said it... Read more