Ahenfo Radio Denmark
Mette Frederiksen

Long-term Reopening Plan Clear: Assembly Ban Lifted And Cultural Institutions Opened

Mette Frederiksen

The government and the parliamentary parties have agreed on a long-term plan for the reopening of Denmark.

From June 8, the assembly ban will be raised from 10 people to 30-50 people, and in addition, colleges and cultural institutions will be allowed to open again. Subject to the conditions of infection permitting.

Such are parts of the long-term plan for a phase 3 of the reopening of Denmark, which the government and the parliamentary parties have agreed on. This is stated in the agreement.

– It all depends on the epidemic being kept at a controlled level. But I am sure that together we will probably move forward safely towards the last phase of the reopening of Denmark and a more normal everyday life, says Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen (S) in a press release.

The government and the parliamentary parties yesterday negotiated late into the night to agree on the further process of reopening after presenting the contents of phase 2.

Already professional sports have been allowed to start, the retail store must open on Monday, and the 6th-10th classes can return to the schools from 18 May, where restaurants and cafes must also start to welcome guests.

The long-term plan has now also set a date for when zoos, museums, theaters and amusement parks will be allowed to open. In a month, high school students and people attending adult education, evening school or language courses will also have a more normal everyday life.

Here are the ones that will open June 8

  • The ban on assemblies is raised to 30-50. There will also be an announcement of recommendations for wedding parties, graduation parties and the like.
  • Culture – for example, museums, theaters, art galleries, cinemas, aquariums.
  • Activities such as outdoor amusement parks, zoos, botanical plants and summer activities for children and young people.
  • Parts of the public sector that are particularly prone to ‘case humps’
  • Public research activities requiring attendance
  • Adult education targeted unemployed (eg AMU) and language centers
  • Colleges
  • Indoor sports and associations (eg evening schools) – however, based on an assessment of what activities can be done in a healthy way.

Only if the numbers allow

When Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen (S) yesterday unveiled the next step in reopening the country, she stressed that the entire plan rests on the premise that the number of corona infected does not suddenly start to grow dramatically.

“If things start going in the wrong direction, the government is ready to press the brake,” she said.

In the press release, the prime minister stressed that the Danes still “have to stand together by staying away”.

– The Danes have quickly adapted to new habits, new ways of being together and have exhibited an extraordinary social mind. Those habits are crucial to the fact that we can still have the infection under control as we now open up further, says Mette Frederiksen.


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