Ahenfo Radio Denmark
Innfører forbud mot private samlinger med flere enn ti personer

Introduces a ban on private gatherings of more than ten people in Oslo

Innfører forbud mot private samlinger med flere enn ti personer

Oslo Municipality asks all restaurants to register guests and asks people to wear face masks in shopping malls and grocery stores.

City councilor Raymond Johansen (Labor Party), health councilor Robert Steen (Labor Party) and environmental councilor Lan Marie Berg (MDG) will inform on Monday about the corona situation in Oslo.

It happens after it became clear on Monday that there are over 20 infected per. 100,000 inhabitants in all parts of Oslo . In the last three weeks, Oslo has gone from 113 infected a week to 306.

– The situation in Oslo is serious. We must stop this development and we must do it now, says City Councilor Raymond Johansen.

On Monday afternoon, the city council came up with measures to stop the spread of infection in Oslo.

These are the new measures, which will last for two weeks:

  • Prohibition on gathering more than ten people in private homes, which applies from tomorrow at 12 noon.
  • Ask people to wear face masks when traveling by train, subway, tram and bus in all situations.
  • Also all other places where you can not observe a distance of one meter, such as in shopping malls and grocery stores.
  • Recommends all restaurants to register all guests.

In addition, the city council will in the next few days consider introducing a maximum number of 50 people for public events.

We will consider all types of events in the coming weeks.

More face mask

The city council leader warns that if the trend does not reverse, the city council will consider making recommendations for bans and injunctions.

Mouthpiece protects when the meter can not be held. This applies not only to public transport, but also to other places such as shopping centers and grocery stores. If it is difficult to hold the meter, use a face mask, he says.

While in the past you have only been encouraged to use face masks when traveling by public transport and you cannot comply with the one-meter rule, people are asked “decently” to use face masks.

Warns against “very intrusive measures”

He says that if the development continues, then new measures will have to be introduced. You have to go all the way back to April to find equally high infection rates for Oslo.

– If the number of infected increases as now, we must again introduce very intrusive measures in Oslo. The worse we are at following the infection control rules, the harder the pandemic will hit us, says the city council leader.


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