Ahenfo Radio Denmark
Traditional Dishes To Eat In Denmark

Food In Denmark: 12 Traditional Dishes To Eat In Denmark

Traditional Dishes To Eat In Denmark

Want to know more about Danish food and cuisine? Here is a list of 12 traditional dishes to eat in Denmark. 

1. Aebleflæsk

One of the most traditional Danish foods, which consists of cured or salted pork belly which is fried with apples, sugar, and thyme. It can also be served on Rye bread and you should accompany it with snaps or beer.

Aebleflæsk is very popular in Funen. If you live in the United States, you can taste it in the Danish town of Solvang!


2. Stegt flæsk med persillesovs og kartoffler

Often considered as the national dish of Denmark. It is basically crispy pork with parsley sauce and potatoes. A simple, yet delicious dish that many Danes love!

In fact, in 2014, the Danes had the chance to vote for a national dish and more than 60.000 people voted for this dish!

Stegt flæsk med persillesovs og kartoffler

3. Krebinetter

Another classic dish in Denmark, “Krebinetter” also known as Karbonader is a type of pork patties, which has gotten its name from crépine in French.

They are usually made of pork and served with green peas and boiled potatoes.


4. Hønsekødssuppe

Basically, a kind of soup made with chicken and vegetables.


5. Frikadeller

A special type of meatball, usually made from pork or a mix of beef and pork. It can also be made from fish, and Frikadeller is commonly served with parsley sauce and potatoes.

However, the fish Frikadeller is popular to eat cold with remoulade, which is a Danish type of sauce/dressing.


6. Rugbrød

Rye bread is popular in many Nordic countries as well as the Baltics. It’s a traditional bread in Denmark that you should try if you haven’t eaten it before.

Rye bread is also used for the open-face sandwiches known as Smørrebrød


7. Rød Pølse

Of all Danish food, this might just be the favorite. The red sausage is something that no one can escape in Denmark.

It is usually served with a bread aside together with mustard, ketchup, and fried onion. This is not a hot dog between, and you don’t put the sausage inside the bread when eating it.

You should instead dip everything in the mustard and ketchup, and fried onion if you have that as well. But of course, there are also hot dog stands that will serve you a hot dog in bread with classic toppings.

Rød Pølse

8. Medisterpølse

Another sausage that is a traditional Danish food is Medisterpølse, which is usually served with mashed potatoes, parsley, and pickles.


9. Smørrebrød

This is basically an open-face sandwich that has been reinvented and become one of the most popular dishes in Denmark. It used to be a dish for the poor people where they made sandwiches of the leftovers.

However, today, you can be served luxurious “Smørrebrød” with all kinds of toppings. No matter where you go to in Denmark, you will find many places and restaurants selling Smørrebrød.


10. Flæskesteg

This is the Danish version of roasted pork, and it’s common to have it on Christmas Eve, the 24 December. However, you can find it at Danish restaurants year round and the traditional recipe of Flæskesteg includes preparation of roasting a joint of pork.

A popular recipe of this traditional Danish food is the one that Frk. Jensen described in her cookbook from 1901.


11. Mørbradbøffer

Another typical Danish dish usually served with Bløde løg, which is a special way to cook onions.


12. Brændende kærlighed

The literal meaning of this if you translate it from Danish to English would be Burning Love, and it is commonly served for Valentine’s day.

The dish consists of bacon and mashed potatoes.

Brændende kærlighed

BY: swedishnomad.com

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