Ahenfo Radio Denmark

Corona initiatives, children and the police: This is how the government will distribute the money in the Finance Act

The government will set aside 9.2 billion for the consequences of the corona and 1.5 billion that the parties can negotiate.

The corona crisis is of great importance to the Danish economy, and for the same reason it also plays a significant role in the proposal for the Finance Act that the government has presented today.

– Denmark is in the most fragile economic situation since World War II, said Minister of Finance Nicolai Wammen (S) during the presentation.

budget law has therefore been drafted in the wake of the crisis. The proposal contains a crisis pool – which the government calls a war fund – of 9.2 billion kroner, which must go to economic initiatives as a result of the crisis.

Unlike last year, when the parties were allocated a pool of 2.1 billion kroner to negotiate, this year the government will allocate 1.5 billion kroner in the negotiation reserve. In other words, there are 600 million kroner less to distribute to the many wishes the parties may have to spend money on next year.

Here you get an overview of what the state’s money should be spent on, if it is up to the government.


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