Ahenfo Radio Denmark
Magnus Heunicke

Confusion over new assembly ban: Should the party be canceled or not?

Magnus Heunicke

If you can comply with the guidelines, there is no reason to cancel the party, the Consumer Council thinks.

The corona infection has increased to such an extent in the past week that the authorities have found it necessary to introduce stricter restrictions in Copenhagen, Odense and 16 municipalities in Greater Copenhagen.

Bars and restaurants in the 18 municipalities will, among other things, close again at midnight tomorrow, and the assembly ban has been lowered from 100 people to 50. And Minister of Health Magnus Heunicke (S) had a clear appeal to the population:

– I would once again ask you to consider whether the planned party should be held now, or whether there is an opportunity to postpone the party. It is now time to consider it, it sounded at the press conference .

At the same press conference , Anette Lykke Petri, who is acting director of the Danish Agency for Patient Safety, told that 30 people had been infected with coronavirus for a birthday party.

Later in the evening, however, Magnus Heunicke said the following to TV2 :

– Let me be as clear as I possibly can. One should not cancel a confirmation party, or a wedding or anything else. But you have to make sure that you can hold the party so that it can live up to the health authorities’ recommendations.

  • The 18 municipalities are: Copenhagen, Odense, Albertslund, Ballerup, Brøndby, Dragør, Frederiksberg, Gentofte, Gladsaxe, Glostrup, Herlev, Hvidovre, Høje – Taastrup, Ishøj, Lyngby – Tårbæk, Rødovre, Tårnby and Vallensbæk.

Several exceptions

If you live in the 18 municipalities and have planned a party in the coming weeks, it can be challenging to find the head and tail in whether you should hold the party at all, and whether you should withdraw invitations so that you stay under 50 guests.

According to Vagn Jelsøe, who is deputy director of the Consumer Council Think, it is about what kind of party you hold and where it is held.

In the original assembly ban of 100, there are several exceptions, which have an effect on how many guests you can bring to the event.

– The ban on gathering more than 100 people in the same place at the same time does not apply, for example, in private homes and gardens adjacent to it, where instead up to 500 people may gather, it says, among other things.

The prohibition also does not apply to “premises, venues and events, events, activities or the like where customers, visitors or participants essentially sit down”.

So if, for example, you have rented a room at a restaurant, you do not have to cancel, says Vagn Jelsøe.

– If there are 75 seated guests, then you actually feel good. What you are not allowed to do is dance all together when you are more than 50, he says.

The National Board of Health is in the process of preparing stricter recommendations for the number of participants, distance, arrangement at private gatherings, which are expected to come tomorrow.

Here you can see the Danish Health and Medicines Authority’s current good advice for holding private events.


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