Ahenfo Radio Denmark
European Commission

Asks Norway to be ready to roll out the vaccine right after the New Year

European Commission

STOCKHOLM (NRK): Swedish Richard Bergström is the man to get Norway coronary vaccine. He promises 2.5 million doses and asks us to be ready to roll out the vaccine just over the New Year.

 For Norway, we are talking about delivery of several hundred thousand doses in January. And at least between two and two and a half million doses during the first quarter, says Sweden’s vaccine coordinator Richard Bergström to NRK.

Bergström is optimistic when he meets NRK in central Stockholm today. Sweden is responsible for Norway’s access to coronary vaccines through the agreements between the drug manufacturers and the EU Commission.

– There is a certain degree of flexibility in the agreements. I get instructions from Norway on how to negotiate with the EU on their behalf, he says

Richard Bergström is therefore the most important link between the Norwegian authorities and the vaccine suppliers.

– It is important that everyone prepares now, because it is now … “now it’s happening”, he says. And says that Sweden plans to be ready for the vaccine as soon as the New Year weekend is over.

Since the vaccines that are now at the forefront of the trial must be given in two doses, this means that up to 1,250,000 Norwegians can expect to be vaccinated by the end of March next year.

Almost the entire risk group vaccinated before Easter

The Norwegian Institute of Public Health has previously estimated that around 1.3 million Norwegians are at risk of developing serious illness if they become infected with the coronavirus. An expert committee in medical ethics concluded in November that this group should be given priority in vaccination . Unless there is a violent outbreak in Norway, then health personnel must be given priority.


Thus, almost all of those in the risk group can be vaccinated during the first quarter of 2021.

Bergström also says that it is not the case that the Swedes get the vaccine for both countries and then distribute a certain percentage to Norway. The vaccines will be delivered directly to the Norwegian Institute of Public Health from the manufacturers.

– No. The vaccine does not physically go to Sweden first, it comes directly from the manufacturer. We expect to receive deliveries from 2-3 vaccine manufacturers in January and February. Since then, we expect two more manufacturers to be able to deliver in April. And the next six months will see even more.

Planning for minus 70

There are several uncertainties associated with the initial vaccine doses. Especially the manufacturer Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine which probably needs to be stored at temperatures as low as minus 70 degrees. The logistical challenges are some of the most demanding for Bergström,

– The vaccine that will probably come first, the one from Pfizer has some challenges on the transport side. But now a smart solution has been found with a box, which allows the vaccine to be transported over long distances. This is especially a challenge for Norway and Sweden, which are elongated countries with long distances. But it’s simply about planning.


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