Ahenfo Radio Denmark

80 more corona cases since yesterday in Denmark

80 additional cases of coronavirus have been detected since yesterday. At the same time, one person has lost his life.

It shows the latest statement from the Statens Serum Institut.

The number of inpatients increases by one, while there is also an additional one in the intensive care unit and in the respirator, so there are now 20 people hospitalized with coronavirus in total. Three of them are on intensive care and two of them are further in respirator.

Looking at the graph below, there seems to be a tendency for declining infection rates since the beginning of August, when there were days up to 174 new cases of infection.

Aarhus and Silkeborg are two areas that have had a flare-up of infection rates. Aarhus was required to wear a bandage in public transport before the rest of the country, and both Silkeborg Gymnasium and Silkeborg Højskole had to close last week due to cases of infection.

And since Friday, Aarhus has found 49 new cases of infection, while another 15 cases have been found in Silkeborg.

Where Aarhus previously had over 100 infected per 100,000 inhabitants, the municipality is now down to 37.4 infected per 100.00 inhabitants and thus close to being overtaken on the list of most infected by Rødovre Municipality.


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