Ahenfo Radio Denmark

The Unusual Weather We Are Experiencing Now May Be The Future Of The Future


The climate of the future offers more rain and trapped weather patterns, so the unusual weather we are now experiencing will become more common in the future.

The weather is changeable. Last year there was a record rainfall, and the year before we had the best summer in the man’s memory. One cannot help but ask the question: What happens to the weather? Are all this rain and all these floods normal?

Precisely because the weather is very variable, you have to look at slightly longer periods when the climate needs to be assessed. Climate periods are periods of 30 years. Here it is clear that Denmark is getting more and more rain. Since the measurements began almost 150 years ago, Denmark has received about 100 millimeters more rainfall annually.

In Denmark we have systematically measured the weather since 1874. When we talk about the Danish weather, we often compare it with the latest official climate norm. It is the 30-year period 1961-1990. The graphic above shows five 30-year periods. When 2020 is over, we will have a new official climate period for the period 1991 to 2020.

Climate models predict more winter rain

The floods we are currently seeing are due to prolonged rainfall. The earth is saturated with water, and there are puddles and flooded areas in many places in lowlands in fields and elsewhere in nature.

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