Ahenfo Radio Denmark
Mortgage holidays

The Greenlandic Foreign Minister will discuss trade agreements with Blinken

There is one special topic the Greenlandic Foreign Minister, Pele Broberg, would like to talk to his American colleague Antony Blinken about when they meet tomorrow. It’s trade.

The Greenlandic economy must be developed, and the United States is important, says Broberg. He wants more direct trade between the two countries.

– We must have kickstarted a process of getting made trade agreements between Greenland and the USA, he says.

When a Greenlandic fisherman has to sell his catch today, the fish are not exported directly to the USA, but only to EU and from there to another third country. This must be changed so that there can be more direct trade with the Americans, says the Greenlandic Foreign Minister.

Antony Blinken and Pele Broberg meet tomorrow in Copenhagen and again on Thursday in Greenland.

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