Ahenfo Radio Denmark

The Corona-infected Person Was At A Nightclub In Copenhagen


People who were at the Søpavillonen in Copenhagen on Thursday should stay home for 14 days.

A person who has been found to be infected with coronavirus was at the Søpavillonen in Copenhagen on Thursday 5 March.

That now causes the Danish Patient Safety Authority to encourage people who have been present at the same time to stay home for 14 days, the Agency says.

It was during the period between 23:00 and 02:00 that the person was present at the Søpavillonen, which houses a restaurant and nightclub.

The infected person is now in isolation. In addition, known close contacts with him have been contacted and put into voluntary home quarantine, the board says.

If you have been present in the Sea Pavilion and have symptoms such as fever, cough or shortness of breath, you should contact your own doctor or the emergency physician by telephone.

In any case, you should not visit hospitals and care centers, as there are people who will be particularly at risk if they become infected with coronavirus, the board writes.

There are currently 35 people at home infected with coronavirus. It is not known if the person mentioned from the Sea Pavilion is among these.

According to the National Board of Health, 872 people have been tested for coronavirus and 628 people are quarantined.

Source: dr.dk

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