Ahenfo Radio Denmark

Swedes are confused about Danish rules: Can we enter or not?


There are various reports from authorities about what entry rules apply to Swedes, writes newspaper.

In Sweden, there is confusion over what is really up and down compared to traveling to Denmark when the new Danish model for reopening the borders comes into effect on Saturday.

This is what the Swedish newspaper Sydsvenskan writes .

Like Thomas Kristensen, Head of Press at National police, it expresses to the newspaper:

– The rules are a little complicated right now.

He states that the main rule is that you are allowed to enter Denmark from Sweden if you have proof that you live in one of the southern Swedes regions – Skåne, Halland or Blekinge – and has a special purpose for traveling to Denmark.

It can be work, for example.

– If you do not have a special purpose, you must show a negative corona test.

– But new messages are constantly coming. More purposes will be added, says Thomas Kristensen.

Can sign certificate
However, the Ministry of Justice informs Sydsvenskan that a negative corona test should not necessarily be possible. If you have not been tested in Sweden, you can be tested in Denmark.

Instead, you can sign a certificate promising to be tested within 24 hours of entering Denmark and going into self-isolation for 14 days, or until you can show a negative test, the Ministry of Justice tells the newspaper.

But if you ask the North Zealand Police, the answer is that people from the South Swedes regionsshould not be able to present a negative test to be allowed to enter Denmark. However, they must be able to prove that they actually live in one of themregions, writes Sydsvenskan.

On Friday afternoon, the shipping companies operating the Helsingborg-Helsingør route informed Swedish travelers regionslike to go ashore in Denmark. And it does not require a negative test, it says from the shipping companies to the Swedish newspaper.

However, that message has not been received by the Øresund Bridge or Skånetrafiken.

Benedikte Kiær, mayor of Helsingør, is also confused about the many different messages. But she is ready to welcome Swedes and offer them pastries, she tells Sydsvenskan.

Source: dr.dk

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