Ahenfo Radio Denmark

Spring is being put on pause for snow and sleet this week

– The spring is not quite here yet unfortunately, says DMI, which has both snow and sleet in the week’s weather forecast.

Winter weather returns this week, where snow and sleet may fall several of the days across the country.

This is what Anna Christiansson, a meteorologist on duty at the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI), says.

– Now winter is a bit of a visit again, says Anna Christiansson, after the Easter holidays offered several sunny days with up to 18 degrees.

As early as Monday morning, there may be patchy snow on the roads in Jutland, which can also be icy.

During the day there may be showers with sleet, hail or thunderstorms. There will be most showers in the southwestern part of the country, says the meteorologist.

– Spring is not quite here yet unfortunately, the meteorologist states and adds that the temperature will be between three and six degrees on Monday.

During the night between Monday and Tuesday the temperature may drop to around freezing point.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, Denmark is still in the same air mass as Monday with cold air, but we can get some or some sun. There may also still be showers with snow and sleet.

It will be coldest on the West Coast, where there may also be gales, while the temperature across the country will be between three and eight degrees.

Thursday the weather turns a bit.

– I do not think we can say that it will get better, Anna Christiansson adds, however.

A front comes in from the west with clouds and precipitation in the form of rain – and thus no more snow or sleet.

– Friday we are back again with rain and cloudy weather. There will be some clarification during the day, says Anna Christiansson.

On Saturday it may rain again in the form of sleet or snow, and at night it may drop to one degree frost.

– In the longer term, however, spring will probably come back, says the meteorologist.

/ ritzau /

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