Ahenfo Radio Denmark

Norway on the verge of discouraging travel to Copenhagen


It is the Norwegian government that officially changes the status of countries and regions. It does so on the recommendation of the authorities.

The Norwegian health authorities, the National Institute of Public Health, recommend that the Norwegian government put the Capital Region – and thus Copenhagen – on the country’s red coronal list.

The National Institute of Public Health writes this on its website.

– A significant increase in incidence has recently been reported in several countries and regions of the EU.

On 17 August, four new countries in the EU and the Capital Region of Denmark are thus changed to red countries, writes the National Institute of Public Health.

It is the Norwegian government that officially changes the status of countries and regions. It does so on the recommendation of the authorities.

The authorities suggest that the United Kingdom, Ireland, Greece and Austria will also be on the list.

Two Danish regions are red

On Wednesday last week, the Norwegian government followed the health authorities’ recommendation to discourage unnecessary travel to several countries as well as regions in Sweden and Denmark.

Region Zealand and the Central Jutland Region became red as a result of the increased infection rates in the regions. The same was true of Poland, Malta, Iceland, Cyprus, the Faroe Islands and the Netherlands.

In addition, all countries that had hitherto been green in Norway were changed to yellow, which means that special attention must be paid.

Denmark does not advise against traveling to Norway

Denmark still does not advise Danes not to travel to Norway.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ website states that persons residing in one of the two now red Danish regions or the Faroe Islands upon entry into Norway must be able to document that they can stay at a suitable quarantine location. If you can not do that, you can not get an entry permit.

In addition, travelers from Norway to Denmark should bring documentation of where you live in Denmark. For example, the yellow health insurance certificate.

Source: nyheder.tv2.dk

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