Ahenfo Radio Denmark

Norway now advises against all unnecessary travel to Spain


There is an increase in the number of people infected with coronavirus in Spain, and therefore the Norwegian government has decided to discourage all unnecessary travel to the country.

It informs the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a Press release.

In Denmark, the travel guide, which was updated on Thursday, calls for extra caution when traveling to Spain – and special rules apply for region Aragón. But travel is not discouraged as in Norway.

The Norwegian decision is based on an updated map of infection rates that the government has published.

In addition to Spain, Andorra is now also one of the countries that Norway discourages unnecessary travel to. Travelers returning from these countries must be quarantined for ten days.

The obligation to quarantine applies to everyone who arrives in Norway from the countries after midnight on Friday.

– If you come to Norway from Spain after midnight, you must be quarantined, says Minister of Agriculture and Food Olaug Bollestad according to the Norwegian news agency NTB.

Other countries, such as Norway discourages travel to, includes Bulgaria, Croatia, Luxembourg, Portugal and Romania.

Danes are encouraged to test

At home, citizens who have traveled to region Aragon in Spain, encouraged to be tested for coronavirus on return. It is because region has more than 50 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

Aragon is but region in northern Spain. And it is especially increasing infection rates in the north regions in the country that they in Norway have noticed in connection with the updated travel guide.

This is what Are Stuwitz Berg, who is chief physician at the Norwegian National Board of Health and Welfare, says.

– Strict has been launched actions. And it gives hope that the situation will soon come under control. But unfortunately the development is such that we have to introduce quarantine after travel from Spain, he says according to NTB.

Norway on Friday opened more for travel to Sweden. That means traveling to regions Kalmar, Östergötland, Örebro and Värmland in Sweden are no longer discouraged.

They are now in Skåne, Blekinge and Kronoberg in the heat.

Source: dr.dk

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