Ahenfo Radio Denmark
North Jutland Police

North Jutland Police: The Skyland Beach Camp youth camp should close

North Jutland Police

The North Jutland Police are of the opinion that the event is in violation of the assembly ban.

The North Jutland Police are now recommending that the youth camp Skyland Beach Camp in East Hurup should close as the event is deemed to be in violation of the assembly ban.

– Now the camp has been running for a few days, and we have been continuously present at the camp with our patrols. And we must note that one thing is how the concept looks on paper, another is how it unfolds in practice.

– The camp and the specials actions All in all, it appears as an event in violation of the ban on assembly, says Police Inspector Ole Kristensen, North Jutland Police.

Skyland Beach Camp started Sunday last week and should continue next week with 1,500 new camp participants.

The North Jutland Police have at no time approved the camp, but continuously checked how they apply guidelines was administered in the square.

If the organizers, despite the recommendation of the police, choose to continue the camp in its current form, the organizers will be penalized with a fine, Ole Kristensen said.

On Thursday, participants also had the opportunity to be tested for coronavirus as test facilities were set up close to the site.

Both Søren Riis Paludan and Allan Randrup Thomsen, both engaged in virology at Aarhus and the University of Copenhagen, respectively, have expressed concern about the event.

Source: dr.dk

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