Ahenfo Radio Denmark

Infection Pressure In Denmark Has Risen


The infection pressure tells how many people a coronary infected self infects. According to new calculation, it has increased.

The infection pressure has increased after the first part of the reopening of Denmark and has during the period from 19-24. April was 0.9.

This is evidenced by the Statens Serum Institute’s status on the infection pressure in Denmark, which was published on Thursday afternoon.

Infectious pressure – or the number of reproductions – tells how many people infected with a coronavirus themselves.

That is, when the infection pressure is 0.9, one person will, on average, infect 0.9 others.

Fell under one

The infection pressure dropped to less than about the end of the month from March to April. That is, about 14 days after the shutdown of Denmark. It was at this time that the epidemic turned in Denmark.

Thereafter, the infection pressure dropped further.

It stabilized at around 0.6 during the period April 10-14.

But after the youngest children have returned to daycare centers and schools, and professions such as hairdressers, physiotherapists and dentists have opened, the infection pressure has risen again and is approaching 1.

Source: nyheder.tv2.dk

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