Ahenfo Radio Denmark
Around The World

Here Are The New Coronavirus Spread Statistics In Sweden


A coronavirus that is previously unknown to scientists is spreading in the world and thousands more have died. The first cases of the new corona virus were discovered in Wuhan, China, but now it is spreading around the world.

Currently in Sweden

Here are cases reported by the media and other sources during the day, they are ahead of the daily updates from Johns Hopkins on which the rest of the article is based.

Region Stockholm 233 (+26)
Västra Götalandsregionen 85 (+37)
Region Skåne 60 (+35)
Region Värmland 24 (+2)
Region Jönköpings län 13 (+3)
Region Uppsala 11 (+3)
Region Halland 9 (+3)
Region Kronoberg 8 (+7)
Region Västerbotten 8 (+3)
Region Örebro län 7 (+2)
Region Sörmland 7 (+5)
Region Västernorrland 6
Region Västmanland 4 (+4)
Region Gävleborg 3 (+1)
Region Norrbotten 2
Region Kalmar län 2
Region Blekinge 1 (+1)
Region Dalarna 1 (+1)
Region Jämtland Härjedalen 1
Region Östergötland 1
Totalt 486 (+133)

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