Ahenfo Radio Denmark

Experts impressed on lower infection rates in Denmark’


The corona epidemic is under control in Denmark, but guidelines, tests and detection are still crucial to avoid outbreaks, experts say.

With the improved infection rates, stable number of admissions and low contact numbers, there is reason to welcome the corona development in Denmark.

This is the opinion of several experts who follow corona development closely.

– This is really good news and just what we want to see. Corona levels are enormously low in Denmark compared to other countries. Right now, about 0.2 to 0.3 percent of those being tested are positive. If you see some areas in the USA, it is five to ten percent, says Lone Simonsen, who is a professor at Roskilde University and has worked with epidemics for over 20 years.

For the past three days, the daily infection rates have been below 100, 21 people have been admitted, and the contact number has dropped to 0.8, which got Health Minister Magnus Heunicke (S) to the keys on Twitter yesterday with words of praise.


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