Ahenfo Radio Denmark
Danmark indfører regionale rejsevejledninger - åbner for rejse til regioner i udlandet med lav smittev

Denmark introduces regional travel guides – allows for travel to regions abroad with low infection

Danmark indfører regionale rejsevejledninger - åbner for rejse til regioner i udlandet med lav smittev

From the beginning of December, Denmark will introduce a regional model for travel guides, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs states in a press release .

In concrete terms, this means that in future it will be possible to travel to regions with low infection, even if travel to the rest of the country is not recommended.

The regional travel guides provide the opportunity to open for travel to low-infection regions in orange countries and close for travel to high-infection regions in otherwise yellow countries, the press release states . Orange countries are countries that right now due to corona are advised against unnecessary travel to.

In order to be able to open for travel to a region in, for example, Spain, there must be an infection rate of less than 30 per. 100,000 per week.

The new guidelines apply to the EU and Schengen countries as well as the United Kingdom.

Source: dr.dk

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