Ahenfo Radio Denmark

Case Of Covid-19 In Sweden 26 March 2020


Latest updates on the outbreak of coronavirus disease (covid-19). The public health authority’s outbreak page is updated daily with the number of cases at. 14:00 or when the statistics are compiled.

A total of 2,806 persons have been reported to be infected with covid-19 in Sweden (28 cases per 100,000 inhabitants), 53% of the reported cases being men. The cases are available at all ages (middle age 56). More than half of the total number of cases so far known to be infected has now been infected in Sweden (Table 2). Some of the cases that have been infected in Sweden have been infected by people in their surroundings who have fallen ill after traveling abroad. Nationally, 66 of the cases have been reported deceased. 58% of the deceased are men (middle age 83).

A total of 178 intensive care patients with laboratory-confirmed covid-19 have been reported via the Swedish Intensive Care Register’s special reporting module SIRI. The average age is 62 years. Read more on the Swedish Intensive Care Register’s website .

Comment on the statistics

The number of confirmed and suspected cases is constantly changing as people seek care and are examined for the virus. The number of cases reported in the statistics is based on laboratory-confirmed cases reported in accordance with the Infection Protection Act. There is some delay in reporting and supplementing data on new cases and deceased cases, so the number of days in recent days (especially during holidays) should be interpreted with caution. The statistics are compiled daily with notifications received until 11.30 the same day. The current day’s number is therefore incomplete and will be complete only the following day.

Laboratory-confirmed cases are an indicator for monitoring developments. On March 13, the sampling strategies for covid-19 changed. Initially, people who lived in areas with known spread of covid-19 were tested, but since March 13, people with symptoms consistent with covid-19 infection, who are in need of hospital care as well as healthcare and elderly care, are primarily being tested. This means that people with mild symptoms are not asked to contact the health care and therefore do not fall into the statistics of reported cases. Other monitoring systems are under construction at the Public Health Authority and will be able to provide information about the spread in other parts of the population.

Reported cases of covid-19 in Sweden per daySweden

Table 1: Number of cases of covid-19 in Sweden by region
Regions Case Cumulative Incidence * Percent** Deceased
Blekinge 15 9 1 0
Dalarna 52 18 2 1
Gotland 5 8 0 0
Gavleborg 39 14 1 0
Halland 70 21 2 0
Jamtland 60 46 2 0
Jonkoping 70 19 2 2
Kalmar 19 8 1 0
Kronoberg 20 10 1 0
Norrbotten 35 14 1 0
Skåne 256 19 9 3
Stockholm 1 216 51 43 42
Sodermanland 114 38 4 9
Uppsala 117 30 4 3
Varmland 45 16 2 1
Vasterbotten 37 14 1 0
Västernorrland 21 9 1 0
Västmanland 31 11 1 0
Västra Götaland 297 17 11 1
Orebro 66 22 2 0
Ostergotland 221 47 8 4
Totally 2 806 28 100 66

* Number of cases per 100,000 inhabitants.
** Percentage of the total number of cases in Sweden (%). The total deviates from 100% due to rounding.

Table 2: Information on which countries Swedish cases have been infected with
infectious Country Case Percent (%) *
Sweden 1 359 48
Italy 478 17
Austria 269 10
France 35 1
Spain 19 1
Switzerland 17 1
Iran 16 1
UK 12 0
USA 8 0
Denmark 7 0
Andorra 6 0
Finland 5 0
Germany 5 0
Portugal 4 0
United Arab Emirates 3 0
Netherlands 2 0
Norway 2 0
Belgium 1 0
Cape Verde 1 0
Caribbean 1 0
thailand 1 0
China 1 0
Iraq 1 0
Hungary 1 0
Eastern Europe 1 0
Cyprus 1 0
South Africa 1 0
malta 1 0
Tanzania 1 0
Croatia 1 0
Not reported 546 19
Totally 2 806 100

* Percentage of the total number of cases in Sweden (%). The total deviates from 100% due to rounding.

Analyzed samples week 12 (March 25, 2020 at 8.40 am)

The Public Health Authority collects data weekly on the number of samples analyzed for the virus that causes covid-19. During week 12, a total of more than 10,300 individuals were analyzed in Sweden. This can be compared with the fact that almost 9,000 individuals’ samples were analyzed at week 11 and just over 4,300 individuals’ samples were analyzed at week 10. A total of more than 24,500 individuals’ samples have been analyzed since the diagnosis was set up in Sweden. Data is preliminary and subject to change.

Case of covid-19 in the world

Details of cases in the world can be found on the European Infection Protection Agency’s website ECDC and WHO.

Read more on ECDC’s website

Read more on the WHO website

The number of confirmed and suspected cases is constantly changing as people seek care and are examined for the virus.

The spread of covid-19 is a pandemic (March 11)

WHO declared on March 11 that covid-19 is now a pandemic. The disease is now or will soon be found in all continents and is likely to affect all countries of the world.

Read more The spread of covid-19 is a pandemic

Pandemic Preparedness. How we prepare – a knowledge base

The disease is named covid-19 (February 11)

The WHO has decided that the official name for the disease caused by the new coronavirus should be covid-19. Covid-19 stands for coronavirus disease 2019. The Public Health Authority will continuously update the website and relevant publications with the new name for the disease.

Socially dangerous disease (February 1)

The public health authority’s request for a coronavirus infection (2019-nCoV) was addressed today at an extra-governmental meeting. The Government has, in accordance with the authority’s request, decided on a regulation which means that the provisions of the Infectious Diseases Act on Dangerous and Dangerous Diseases shall be applied to infection with coronavirus (2019-nCoV). The regulation applies from 2 February 2020.

International threat to human health (30 January)

The outbreak of the new corona virus 2019-nCoV requires concerted action internationally. This is assessed by WHO, which has decided to classify the outbreak as an international threat to human health (PHEIC). Read more about what this means.

Source: folkhalsomyndigheten.se

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