Ahenfo Radio Denmark

Big changes in the vaccine schedule : See your new times here

The vaccine plan has been updated on 28 January, after it emerged that we will probably receive far fewer vaccines than expected in the coming months.

In the new plan, the elderly and vulnerable are particularly affected by the delays. For example, people aged 80 to 84 may have to wait 6 weeks longer to get the first plug.

However, the Danish Health and Medicines Authority expects to receive more vaccines in the spring and summer, so that all adults should be fully vaccinated by 4 July. It is a week later than in the previous plan.

Enter your information below and see when your group will be vaccinated according to the new plan.

The National Board of Health has made a plan with 12 groups for the time being, according to which the vaccines are prioritized.

When you should be vaccinated depends on which group you are in.

Depending on your situation, it is the health authorities, your employer, doctor or municipality that decides your group.

Hospitals and outpatient vaccination services have also been used to vaccinate nursing home residents and selected staff in particular.

Here you can see where the National Board of Health expects the different groups to get the first plug.

At a later date, a plan with more detailed dates is expected for the approximately three million people currently in Group 12.

The plan may also be changed if, for example, more or fewer vaccines are delivered than expected.

When you are offered a date for the first vaccination, you will receive a letter in your e-box.


The European Commission has in advance – and before approval – entered into pre-purchase agreements with a total of six vaccine manufacturers.

This means that Denmark has invested in buying vaccines for around 20 million citizens – each citizen must have two doses.

  • Astra Zeneca: approximately 3.9 million vaccine doses
  • Sanofi-GSK: approximately 3.9 million vaccine doses
  • Johnson & Johnson: approximately 8.2 million vaccine doses
  • Pfizer-BioNTech: approximately 9.2 million vaccine doses
  • CureVac: approximately 6.8 million vaccine doses
  • Modern: about 6 million vaccine doses

Sources: National Board of Health, Statens Serum Institut, Danish Medicines Agency.

There are millions of stings and the vaccine must also be given in two rounds.

Therefore, in step with the rollout, more and more space is needed to be able to vaccinate en masse.

Already now the first vaccination centers have been taken into use around the country.

In the map you can see where the regions have started or right now have plans for regional centers.

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