Ahenfo Radio Denmark

Sweden lowers assembly ban to eight people


Previously, there has been a Swedish assembly ban for more than 50 people. It is now lowered to eight.

An increase in the number of corona cases in Sweden is now causing the Swedish authorities to impose further restrictions.

Among other things, the assembly ban will be lowered from 50 to eight people.

It informs the Swedish government on Monday afternoon, writes the news agency TT.

– Unfortunately, the coronavirus does not take into account our emotions. It requires more restrictions to get the curve turned, says Prime Minister Stefan Löfven at a press conference.

Löfven: Very intrusive The
assembly ban enters into force on 24 November.

– Today I can announce that from 24 November, a maximum of eight people may gather in public places. It is a very intrusive initiative, but it is absolutely necessary to be able to limit the spread of infection, says the Prime Minister.

Löfven calls it ‘the time of trial’.

– The government will continue to make decisions to curb the infection. It’s the time of trial, it’s your and my choices, every day, every hour and every moment is going to determine how we cope. Make the right choice, for yourself and for society, says Löfven.

Significant increase
The report comes after Sweden in recent weeks has experienced a marked increase in infection rates.

Also, the number of deaths among corona patients has been skyrocketing in recent weeks.

Stefan Löfven calls for the Swedes to limit all social contact.

– Do not go to the gym, do not go to the library, and do not arrange dinner at home, says Stefan Löfven.

No face mask requirements
Although Sweden is tightening the restrictions, the authorities will not require citizens to wear sanitary napkins, as is otherwise the case in Denmark.

Asked directly to many people in a small space during rush hour, says Johan Carlson, Director General of the Public Health Authority:

– You do not solve a congestion problem with a face mask.

Source: ekstrabladet.dk

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