At the same time, water dogs and Danish athletes were delighted that, among other things, swimming pools, gyms and sports halls from the morning could open their doors again. However, with a number of guidelines .
You can get a full overview of what is already open and what you have to wait for right here .
On Sunday, the streets of Copenhagen were flooded by people. More than 15,000 turned up for a major demonstration against racism and police violence organized by Black Lives Matter Denmark.
And today, speculation and thoughts on the coronary effects struck as a flood on social media and the political landscape .
Several virologists have also throughout the day expressed their concern at the back of the demonstration and the human-tight, combat-calling assembly, which according to them provided very favorable conditions for a possible spread of infection.
In the wake of it all, the Social Democracy went out on Monday afternoon, calling on all protesters to be tested for coronavirus.