Danes will be invited six months and 14 days after receiving the second dose.
All Danes are now being offered a third vaccine dose against corona – a so-called booster shot. This is a message from the Minister of Health Magnus Heunicke (S).

We have a plan for the roll-out of the third vaccine shot, and it is that Danes will now be invited six months and 14 days after they have received the second dose.
This means that next week we will send out many invitations – primarily to people over 65 and employees in the health and elderly sector and people who otherwise have a weakened immune system.
In nursing homes and among particularly vulnerable citizens, another shot of vaccine is already in full swing.
Here they began to give the third dose in early September. But now the rest of us can also look forward to having to put our upper arm to a third.
The message is that in the coming months, about one and a half million citizens will be vaccinated with a third shot.