Ahenfo Radio Denmark
Nya skärpta nationella råd

Sweden’s Governments National Advice about the new corona virus.

Nya skärpta nationella råd
From 14 December, stricter national regulations and general guidelines on everyone’s responsibility to prevent covid-19 infection apply. Everyone in society, both individuals and those responsible for operations, has an obligation to take measures to prevent the spread of infection. This also applies to celebrations.You have a personal responsibility to protect yourself and others from the spread of covid-19. It is especially important that you protect people in risk groups against infection. From 14 December, you are obliged to: 

Stay home for symptoms

  • If you have symptoms of covid-19 , you should stay at home and get tested.
  • Read more about how to act if you or someone in the household has symptoms or has been infected with covid-19 here . 

Limit new close contacts

  • Only hang out with people you normally meet, people you live with or a few friends and relatives outside the household.
  • Always keep a distance from people you meet and preferably hang out outdoors.

Keep a distance from others and avoid crowded places

  • Always keep your distance from other people. This applies both indoors and outdoors.
  • Avoid places such as shops, shopping malls and public transport if it is crowded.
  • Shop alone and do not stay in stores for longer than necessary. 

Travel in as infectious a way as possible

  • Avoid public transport and other means of transport where it is not possible to buy a seat ticket.
  • Avoid making new contacts during the trip and at the destination.
  • Make sure you can isolate yourself at your destination or can go home without infecting others if you get symptoms of covid-19.

Work from home as often as you can

  • Agree with your employer to work from home whenever possible.
  • If you have to go to work, you should adjust your working hours so you can avoid congestion in public transport and the workplace.

Maintain good hand hygiene

  • Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly with soap and water.
  • Always wash your hands before meals and after visits to the toilet and when you have been in public environments.

Be careful when visiting people who are 70+ or ​​belong to a risk group

  • Be extra careful to follow all advice and recommendations. The Swedish Public Health Agency has information on how you can socialize safely .
  • Visits to nursing homes must take place in a safe manner. Follow the accommodation’s visiting routines. 
  • If you had covid-19 in the spring, it is not certain that you are still at a lower risk of becoming infected and infecting others. 

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