Ahenfo Radio Denmark
Forældre kan nu få adgang til barselsdagpenge, hvis børnene bliver sendt hjem

Parents can now access maternity benefits if the children are sent home


Forældre kan nu få adgang til barselsdagpenge, hvis børnene bliver sendt hjem

New agreement gives parents who have to look after children who have been sent home due to corona access to maternity benefits.

Now, everyday life may be a little easier for parents of children who are being sent home because of coronavirus.

They get access to maternity benefits if they do not have other options for caring for the child.

This is what Minister of Employment Peter Hummelgaard (S) says at a press conference .

– We are looking into a period where we will probably have to get used to the fact that there will be local flares of infection around which will lead to day care institutions or schools sending the children home.

And there are some parents who do not have the opportunity to work at home, but who have to stay at home and take care of their children. That is why we have agreed on a scheme where we give parents access to maternity benefits, says Peter Hummelgaard.

A condition for receiving the compensation is that none of the child’s parents has the opportunity for homework, and that they have used up both their care days and their time off.

In addition, it must be possible to document that the school or day care institution has been closed down in accordance with the health authorities’ recommendations.

The agreement gives parents up to 10 days per child on that scheme.

– It is enough time in relation to being able to get support while you are at home, says Peter Hummelgaard.

It is a so-called tripartite agreement, which has been made together with the social partners, the Trade Union’s Main Organization and the Danish Employers’ Association.

– I am very pleased that in this way we must create a little more security for the parents. Of course, we also hope that the children and young people who are sent home can be tested faster, so you do not have to stay home that long, says Lizette Risgaard, who is chairman of FH.

The highest unemployment benefit rate is DKK 4,405 per week before tax . And at DA, they are happy with the scheme, even if it means that some labor is put out of play for a period of time.

– There are many places where this issue has been raised. Now comes an opportunity to create some extra security for families who may be in a messy situation, which is completely unjustified, says CEO of DA, Jacob Holbraad.

If 8,000 parents make use of that right, it will cost the Treasury almost 22 million kroner.

The scheme is expected to enter into force on 1 October.

Source: dr.dk

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